Forage cap vs kepi
Forage cap vs kepi

forage cap vs kepi

They had the Type I and Type II forage caps for I believe $95.00 a piece but I really liked the Commercial Forage Cap better which is $125.00 do any of you in your group use this particular type ? Thank you again I really do appreciate it for writing back. This is just the beginning and I understand that this is an expensive hobby but it will be worth the investment. I wrote down a few things and here they are. Before coming back to this website this evening I did go to the following website and was very much impressed with what they had.

forage cap vs kepi

And because of that a person really needs to try to make some sort of an effort in researching the hobby to make sure that a potential reenactor gets everthing right instead of thoughtlessly jumping into it head first without putting any thought or consideration into it. I suppose that Civil War reenacting is still and will probably always will be the most popular reenactment in the hobby. You cannot begin to imagine how much this means to me sincerely and from the bottom of my heart. Ve Spojených státech je napíklad tento druh apky neodmysliteln spojen s americkou obanskou válkou (by tam je nkdy odliována také forage cap, která se z áky vyvinula samostatn, je ponkud vyí a tudí válec. Gentlemen again thank you for writing back. století se ale také iroce prosadila képi i do výbavy jiných armád.

Forage cap vs kepi